F1 Fantasy Chips Explained

What are F1 Fantasy chips?

In addition to last year’s fantasy, we see the addition of 4 new chips (boosts) you can utilize to maximise your chances to beat your mates in your league or other fans around the world. I believe chips is what will make the difference and knowing when to use it will be key. Read below to understand more what each chips do and how you can use it to take the top step on the podium this year.

Chips Images

Where Can I Use My F1 Fantasy Chips?​

There are a total of 6 chips that can be used throughout the season all of which can only be used once throughout the 23-race season, and you can only use 1 per race. Once you have committed on using a chip, this cannot be undone so choose wisely and good luck.

F1 Fantasy Teams

Autopilot chip: This chip is very handy if you are unsure who will score the most points in the weekend. What this chip will do it automatically apply the DRS boost (2x score) to the driver who scored the highest points over the weekend within your team. This will be handy to use when you know another driver in your team has taken an engine penalty and could potentially get more points than your current DRS boosted driver.

Extra DRS

Extra DRS chip:  This chip is very self-explanatory with the name however this will basically allow you to choose 1 driver to have a 3x multiplier over that race weekend. Keep in mind that negative scores will also be multiplied by 3 so this can really hurt if the driver you applied this to ends up DNF. This can’t be used on top of the DRS boost (2x multiplier) you get for every weekend so if you would like to use the Extra DRS on your currently DRS boosted driver, you will need to select a different driver for that weekend. I suggest saving this chip for a sprint weekend race due to the drivers having the opportunity of scoring points on 3 events over the weekend (Qualifying, Sprint Race & Race)

No Negative

No Negative chip: This chip can become handy if you are behind in your league and will try to do a risky strategy on your team. Should your drivers or constructors for that week end up scoring negative points, this will not affect your final score for that weekend minimising your hit and potentially keep you in the race. Keep in mind that negative scores for making more than the allowed free transfers will still be deducted.

Wild Card

Wildcard chip: This chip will allow you change up your team and have a whole reshuffle without taking any hit on the free transfers limit. This chip will come in handy if you think that your team is no longer cutting it and need to do more than the 2 free transfers allowed (3 if you didn’t use one the week before). This chip can be handy to use at any point in the season but if you’ve not used it by now maybe save it to later in the season when teams have put some upgrades on their cars and the pecking order changes. Keep in mind that any changes you do will still have to be in the cost cap.


Limitless chip: Like the Wildcard chip, the limitless chip will allow you to do as many transfers for that race weekend as you like. Not only that but this will also wave the cost cap for that weekend so you can really go to town with your team and pick all the best drivers and constructors you think will get you the most points that week. Like the Extra DRS chip, I would save this for a sprint weekend so that you can get the most points on this. After the race weekend, your team will revert to your earlier team prior to using this chip.

Final Fix

Final Fix chip: The final fix can be a lifesaver late in the weekend. Unlike all the other chips this chip can be used after qualifying has finished and will allow you to do 1 final change to your team. Any points earned in qualifying by the driver/constructor you change will remain and points for the new change will count from the next scoring session (Sprint or Race). You will not receive a penalty when using this chip and you have already used all your free transfers for the weekend. If the driver you are changing is your DRS boosted driver, you will not be able to transfer this boost to anyone else on your team but will automatically apply to the new driver you bring in to replace your DRS boosted driver. After the race weekend your team will revert to your team prior to using this chip. This chip will be handy to use if a driver you put in your team has shown up all weekend in the Free Practice sessions but has completely dropped off in qualifying or news come out that he will be taking a penalty or something.

I hope the above has made it more clear on how you can utilise the F1 Fantasy chips this season and how to maximise your chances against your mates in F1 Fantasy Leagues. If you want to learn more on how to play F1 Fantasy you can do so by clicking here.